Not in a pinch...

Not in a pinch...

What it means when "non pinching" mouthpieces and bits are termed

We have all heard it...."this bit is non pinching", "this is a pinch proof design", "pinchless designs are the only way to go", etc. What exactly are they saying? Lets look at this from a different angle. What is a pinching bit? A pinching bit is one that allows a horse's lip or cheek to get between moving parts, creating a "pinch". This can be very painful and cause negative behaviors in the horse.... can you blame the horse? A non pinching, pinch proof, or pinchless design would be one that does not allow for the space to get a lip or cheek in. To accomplish this a maker will need well thought out designs and precision execution of the builds. Quality material and craftsmanship should not wallow out, eliminating wear and spacing issues. Can anyone claim to have created a 100% pinch proof bit with moving parts? No. Our designs are non pinching; however, hinging parts that are used incorrectly can fold in on themselves enough to cause discomfort. Think of a hinged door; it is possible to pinch your finger in between the door and door frame when not used correctly. It is important to understand the basic functions of a bit to understand how a pinchless design can eliminate painful behavior forming riding. Ballhinges, d-rings, egg butts, correctly sized tubes, and solid shanks are all pinchless designs. Did you notice all of Tom's bits fit in these categories? He is also a master designer and craftsman, with aerospace experience, allowing him to create the highest allowable precision in the equine world. Our bits do not wobble and pinch, but rather glide with smooth balanced movements. We do not have a specifically named "non pinching" design because all of our designs are created with this in mind. It makes you wonder why other makers feel the need to name one design with this title and leave the others without....
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